Putt putt joins the parade music
Putt putt joins the parade music

  • This was the last HE game to have the Junior Adventures logo.
  • It has been rumored that this is the final Putt-Putt game in the Junior Adventures series, although Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday Surprise was released in 2003 as part of the Junior Adventures series.
  • This is the only Putt-Putt Junior Adventure game to have more than one song sung by various characters (when clicked on an object that prompts a song to play).
  • According to some leftover files, the title of this game was going to be "Putt-Putt Saves the Circus." It was changed because it was too similar to Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo's title, thus the fact that the actual title of this game is similar to Putt-Putt Joins the Parade.
  • Sweeney's name may be a reference to actor name D.B.
  • In the UK dub, Roll-Along Cassidy is named Engelbert Goodstock.
  • This was the last game that allows changing Putt-Putt's color, and keeping it.
  • Putt-Putt must help all his new friends, so they will practice and finally perform under the big top in the opening night. Putt-Putt and Pep also meet new friends like Lester the flea janitor, Bart the Peanut Cart, Hank the Security Car, and Bette Bandwagon, along with his old friends, Sammy, Baby Jambo and Mama Mombassa (two elephants and one seal from Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo). The circus' five main acts: Honko the Clown, The Flying Porkowskis: Herb, Pearl and Hammy, Phillipe the flea, Reginald Cornelius Andronocles III the lion, along with two tiger sisters, Terri and Marie, and Katie Cannonball and all the minor acts: Marvin the Marvelous, Eunice the unicycle, Francine the Hippo high diver, Ivan the semi-strong van, Sebastian the jugging seal, and Belobrodnik the Dancing Bear are having serious problems. When they reached Apple Valley, everything was in chaos for B.J. They hopped on Roll-Along Cassidy, a circus train after a goat ate Putt-Putt's ticket. Sweeney's Big Top Circus in Apple Valley. This product uses ScummVM which is released under the GNU GPL v2.In the game, Putt-Putt (once again voiced by Nancy Cartwright) and his dog, Pep, are going to B.J. The PUTT-PUTT® trademark is a registered trademark of Putt-Putt, LLC and is used under license. This Product and Humongous Entertainment are not in any manner affiliated with Putt-Putt, LLC. They even learn the value of doing a good deed.

    Putt putt joins the parade music how to#

    Kids learn how to earn money and remember an address.

  • Putt-Putt® Opens Up a Helpful New World.
  • Children's problem-solving skills are developed as they learn how to deal with cow roadblocks and other unexpected problems. Kids help Putt-Putt® get cleaned up for the parade with a simple tap on the screen. Smokey's always there to give Putt-Putt® a hand. With so much to see, kids won't want to miss a thing. Talking fire engines and dancing mice are just some of Putt-Putt's® many roadside attractions. There's no telling what will pop up when you tap a garage door, a magnet or even a flower. The result is an entertaining learning experience that never gets old. What's more, Putt-Putt® offers lots of exciting new options every time kids play. Even adults find it hard to resist getting in on the fun.
  • Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade is fully-loaded with originality and activity.
  • Charming talking characters, lively sound effects and lifelike animation keep your child focused on the adventure. The road to discovery has never been more fun - or more educational. Along the way, they learn to think ahead, deal with unexpected problems, and give others a hand. Children will be delighted as they meet the local carfolk, explore a toy shop, tool down the road and more. That's what Putt-Putt® discovers as he gears up to join the annual Cartown Pet Parade. Hard work, a bright shiny chassis and a little help from your friends.

    Putt putt joins the parade music